How do you know when you are hearing the voice of God? This is a question that we have all asked at some point during our Christian journey. Sometimes during our quest for an answer, we pose this question to other seasoned Christians and often, the response is ‘my sheep know my voice’. This response can come across as being very unhelpful as by itself, it does not provide clarity. If His sheep know His voice, and you are asking how do you know the voice of God, does that make you a goat? It does not.
To someone genuinely seeking an answer, this response may cause them to question their identity in Christ. It is normal, especially for new Christians, to want to know what the voice of God sounds like. Is it an audible voice that I will hear? Is it like talking to myself in my mind? A sudden revelation? Asking this question indicates an understanding that being able to discern the voice of God is very important. It also indicates a desire to be led by God and to grow in Christ.
How does the voice of God sound?
Many of us as first timers seem to believe that when God speaks it will be something momentous that is hard to miss. Maybe we believe there will be lightning and thunder. Or that He will come down in a pillar of smoke, or maybe even a burning bush? Wouldn’t it be much easier if God could WhatsApp? Or send an email? Not so, and this is the first thing we need to realize. God doesn’t speak to us only one way, and He may not speak to us the way we expect. Over time, I have realized that God may speak to us through His word, through songs, through people, books, dreams, sermons and so on.
I have had many experiences of God speaking to me in different ways. One day, I had a situation in church and when I got home a particular scripture ‘dropped in my spirit’. I didn’t know what the scripture was about but there was also a strong urge to read it. When I did, it was talking about what had happened, and it also described how I should have acted instead. I know that was God speaking to me, correcting me.
I also recall having a discussion with a friend about serving in church. At the end of the day, we had different views on service, and we could not see eye to eye. The next day her devotional spoke to the very issue we were discussing. She shared the devotional with me, and then came back to say that her view of the issue was incorrect. That was God speaking to us. I recall instances as well when I sought God’s answer regarding decisions I needed to make and he sent an answer through someone.
The still, small voice
There are times when we hear a still, small voice telling us to do something. This is probably the most challenging way that God speaks to us because there is usually something saying, “Is this my mind?” When that doubt comes, we spend time wrestling with it, instead of moving. While we do believe in trying the spirit (1 John 4:1), fear often has a big role to play here, pride as well.
The first time that still, small voice told me to pray for someone in church, I was mortified. Everyone was seated, the pastor was preaching, and the voice said, “Go and pray for Brother John (not his real name)”. I thought it was my mind and asked myself “Why are you thinking God is sending you to pray for him. Look at him. He is ok.” The voice came again and now I wondered if it really was God. I started panicking and started talking to Him. “Me God? But if I get up now, everyone is going to look at me. I don’t want people to think I am holier than thou. Now doesn’t seem like the right time.”
I had a whole dialogue with God and remained seated. As I sat, I was once again instructed to go and pray for him. I looked over to where he was seated, and I started feeling this heavy burden on me. The voice then started rebuking me. “What is more important, what people think, or what I have commanded you to do?” I was convicted to go, but before I went, I still had to ask another time, “God, are you sure I should go. There are other people here that can pray better than I can.” He said “Go.” I got up and started walking over to where Brother John was seated. On the way, I got nervous and turned to go back to my seat. However, I remembered the rebuke, went to lay hands on him and started to pray.
I didn’t know what to pray but I asked God to help me. I saw the manifestation of scripture that day. Who the Lord calls, He really equips (Exodus 4: 10-12). I found myself praying about things I had no inkling of, but I prayed as I was led to and then went back to my seat. After church, Brother John came over to me and expressed thanks for the prayer. He said that the words I prayed were exactly what he was going through and the encouragement during prayer had lifted his spirit. I took this as a lesson. When God speaks, it is not about our comfort or what other people think. It is about the will of the Lord being done. Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22-23).
Experience teaches wisdom
I am by no means a Theologian, but now when the still small voice comes, I tend to ask myself three questions: Does this align with scripture? Who will get the glory from this? What is more important, being obedient to the Holy Spirit or my fears of what people will think? I still don’t believe I get it right all the time but I try.
The truth is that we are not always obedient to the still small voice. There are times when God has told us to go and pray for someone and we didn’t, or He instructed us to do something, and we didn’t. Sometimes we hesitate because the instructions don’t make sense to us. ‘Go and walk around Sister Brown seven times?’ But why God? Sister Brown is not the wall of Jericho. We sometimes then watch in awe when we see God use someone else to do the very thing He was instructing us to do. That silly thing changed Sister Brown’s life. Even these experiences teach us. God is a gracious God who will speak to us again and next time we will likely be more attuned to His voice.
Discerning the voice of God
Discerning the voice of God gets easier the more we build our relationship with Him. Sometimes we don’t know the voice of God simply because we don’t spend quality time with Him. The bible is our main source of hearing from God. The Holy Spirit will illuminate scripture as we spend time with Him to give instruction, correct and transform, among other things. The deeper you build your relationship with God, the easier it will be to discern His voice.
We ought to also spend time in prayer, not just speaking, but listening. Prayer is a conversation with God, but it is usually one sided because when we say amen, we don’t stop to listen. May we pause for a few moments after prayer to give God the opportunity to speak to us.
If you are unsure if God is speaking to you, pray and ask Him to send a confirmation. God does speak and when He does, it is our duty to listen and obey. Please watch the video below if you want to learn more about hearing the voice of God. Feel free to also share your experiences in the comments about hearing the voice of God.
Healthy spiritual content I like it
Thanks Ry.
Awesome read, I enjoyed every sentence. Well written!
Blessing Sis.
Thank you for this, it was this morning I was praying and was saying, God I would like to hear your voice and I stop to listen if I’ll hear anything, and yes sometimes we think it’s our mind. But God does speaks to us in different ways.
You’re welcome. Indeed He does speak to us. I pray you will hear the voice of God loudly and clearly.
Beautiful content. I can relate with this. God really does speak to us in different ways. But really knowing his voice requires a close relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Indeed Kacy.
Wow beautifully written Rona. I was struggling recently to hear the voice of God and I even asked for prayer about it. I believe this is God talking back to me. Thank you so much. Have you written the book yet? Continue to writing my dear. God speaks in many ways and he normally confirms His word. The closer you are to Him, the more you are conscious of His voice. God bless you.
Thanks Jowel. God bless you.